How to identify the ice making machine

How to identify the ice making machine A good ice machine, every little detail technical content through the whole machine aspects and manufacturing process. If the general consumers distinguish carefully, you will find the merits of the di...

Steam Sterilizer User Manual 3

Steam Sterilizer User Manual 3 (II)datasettingchecking 1、datasetting Thedatabeneeded:coolairreleasetemperature,steriletemperature,steriletime. Thistimesettingvalueisdefaultnexttime. settingmethod: 1.1、Pointsetkey:toplinenixietubedis...

Steam Sterilizer User Manual 2

Steam Sterilizer User Manual 2 III.StructureCharacteristics 1.Thesterilizercomponentbycontainer,lid,pipe.controlsystem,heatingsystemandsafesystemsetc. 2.Thestructureoftheunitisasinglelayercylindricalbody.Itsdesign,manufactureandinspectionar...

Food Safety Commission of the State Council was established the first session of the Committee of Experts

FoodSafetyCommissionoftheStateCouncilwasestablishedthefirstsessionoftheCommitteeofExperts. In order to meet the need of food safety supervision, give full play to the role of expert group in the field of food safety, promote the scientific...

Steam Sterilizer User Manual 1

S team Sterilizer User Manual 1 Generation Model LS-B50L VerticalCylindricalPressureSteamSterilizeris controlledbymicrocomputer, installedwithanelectricalheater,atimer,anautomaticallypressure-temperaturecontroller,a safetyvalve,areleasingva...

"Imported food record management regulations" implemented in July 1st

Quality inspection administration, issued the imported food record management implementation details, the rules will be implemented on July 1st. The implementation of rules is to ensure that the imports of food safety, the implementation of...

Constant temperature and humidity incubator test case selection

Constant temperature and humidity tester test case selection The environment or the reliability test for each category, quantity, value and tolerance to environmental factors have strict requirements, and eliminate the environmental factors...

oil and slurry tester

NF-1 NF-2 Differential Sticking Tester NF-2 type of adhesion coefficient tester Overview The instrument is an analog of the test analysis equipment, mainly for the monitoring of deep drilling and borehole drilling fluid in the coefficient o...

Tester for Pesticide residues introduction 2

Tester for pesticide residues introduction 2 Instrument Structure There is 4 buttons for the instrument in all, function is as follows : Enter button : Operator ensure his operation step is right , press the button for next operation . Back...

Quality inspection administration announced the unqualified food

The State Quality Inspection Administration yesterday announced the latest imported unqualified food, cosmetics list, in February this year, seized a total of 172 batch unqualified import food and cosmetics, including multiple batches of mi...

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